
☆12:12 PM on 12/12/12

Children Singing Peace Around the World (CSPAW)

Global Heart Hook Up – Celebratory Group Sing – A laying of the Songlines
Please join us from where-ever you are at 12:12 pm on 12/12/12
You are invited to hook up with us heart-to-heart to sing Children Singing Peace Around
the World at 12:12 pm local time from wherever you are! Whether you are at home, in the
classroom, at work, on an airplane, out enjoying nature…you can pause for a moment and join
us singing from wherever you are! Please put it on your calendar now so you are sure to tune in
with us on 12/12/12 at 12:12 pm in laying a foundation for world harmony through singing our
heartfelt commitment of living peace with ourselves, one another, and the Earth.
Between now and then, please familiarize yourself with the music and its mission by visiting
www.childrensingingpeace.com The original version of Children Singing Peace Around the
World in English is on the home page and automatically starts playing led by the sound of the
Children’s Peace Bowl (a crystal toning bowl) when you open up the page, just be sure your
volume is turned up on your computer.
To see the lyrics in the thirty languages now translated, simply go to the menu bar on the home
page of www.childrensingingpeace.com and click on CSPAW translations. You will see a circle
of thirty languages. Click on the one of your choice to view the lyrics and to listen to the
recording of that version if available. For the group sing, you may choose any of the languages
already translated, or you may translate and sing it in your own language if it is not yet included
on the website. There are also two sign language translations for CSPAW. For American Sign
Language click on USA, English, ASL icon and for Japanese Sign Language click on Japan,
Japanese, JSL icon.
Now for the hook up on 12/12/12. Shortly before 12:12 pm on 12/12/12, pause for a moment
wherever you are, take a few long deep breaths and consciously bring your attention to your
heart. Think of something that evokes an inner smile and a feeling of love in your heart. Expand
the feeling and imagine it radiating from your heart to the hearts of each and every child on the
planet. Let your imagination be expansive and all inclusive, connecting with those you love and
those you may find difficult to love……and including all children of all ages and all species here
on earth and even throughout the Universe….Allow your hook up to be all encompassing. From
this place of inner and outer heartfelt connection sing “Children Singing Peace Around the
World” starting at 12:12 pm. As you sing, imagine the songlines of “Children Singing Peace
Around the World” rising up from the core of the Earth supporting the full potential blossoming
of youth around the globe.
Thank you for being a part of this global heart hook-up and celebratory group sing on this day
designated the World Day of Inter-Connectedness!!!
Fully empowered, we can respectfully walk forward together, creating inner and outer worlds
where Aloha, appreciation, beauty, balance, gratitude, harmony, peace and unity are living
principles put into action for the highest good of all life.





